One Church, One Body

At Deeper Truth Ministries we want to reach women of all denominations as we boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are focused on teaching and equipping women and daughters to walk a fulfilled life in Christ and instilling them with a sense of their individual precious worth as daughters of our Heavenly Father.  We are passionate about teaching women how to study and apply God’s word to their lives in order to bring transformation and healing so that they may passionately pursue God and positively influence others around them to do the same.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

  – 3 John 4

Building Integrity, Confidence & Strength While Seeking Deeper Truths

We are committed to help build women of great integrity, who are confident and strong in their relationship with the Lord. By helping women walk boldly in Christ’s love, it is our belief that it will have a ripple effect throughout their relationships with their family, friends and the world around them. We minister to women of all ages on the local, national, and international levels.

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Becoming Wholly His Through Discipleship

Through conferences, seminars, Bible study, training and aid programs, our ministry is focused on combating biblical illiteracy to help women, of all ages, and future generations understand deeper truths from the profound studies of His word.  By equipping women with the truth and teaching them to study the whole word of God they will become disciples of Jesus Christ, while on this earth, to share His love with others and positively impact the world around them.

It is Our Mission to See You 

  • Healed and whole as a daughter of Christ

  • Taught the the whole word of God

  • Equipped to make disciples of Jesus

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Our heart’s desire is to teach, equip and see you healed to walk a completely fulfilled life in Christ and share his teachings with others.